Ok so I am a reader, and a huge one at that and this is why I read. I may not be able to do the 50 books a year, nor 40, nor 30, you get my drift; but that doesn’t take anything away from my love for books. I will be doing posts about books I have read, about how I use Goodreads to keep track of my books and to rate them, and I will also be posting some booktuber recommendations.
But first I need to tell you I read on my iPad, I have for a very long time. I read everything except graphic novels on my iPad in iBooks. I know the feelings that reading on an iPad, or any digital medium, has for some people but I actually love it. Don’t get me wrong I love physical books but they are simply not practical for me, but I love going to a bookstore and browsing around for my next read even though I will download it. Reading on the iPad allows me to read wherever I am, but specially where I am most: waiting for my kids to come out of one class and late at night without having to turn on any lights or make anyone uncomfortable.
Now to the main point of this post: why I read? I never thought this would be such a personal post until I started answering this question. It transports me to a different time, place, frame of mind, life experience, world. Letting myself be absorbed by the experiences in the book also works as a mirror: it makes me think of my feelings regarding some issues, or how I would react to certain situations, or how I have acted in situations that without knowing it resemble something I am reading or have read.
The impact of books is huge: I will always remember the first book that made me cry to the point that I was sobbing, and the first book in which I actually laughed out loud, books that have made me google more about a particular person or moment in history, books that have left me with a hangover, and also the books that were so beautifully written that part of the experience of reading them was simply being in awe of the author’s way with words.
I hope everyone can feel the way I do about reading. if you are a reader I hope to have discussions with you about what I have read or am reading, and if you don’t read I hope I inspire you to at least give it chance. I am a firm believer that those people who simply say “nahhhh I don’t read” or “I hate to read” simply haven’t found that book, that gender, that author that will open the door to this whole new dimension.